Always committed to the develop of high standard entrepreneurial Systems of Quality and to the realisation of products expressing the excellence of Made in Italy – the Company is a proud proponent of – Ravioli provides customised solutions, specifically studied for the requirements of a constantly growing market.
Through achievements like the Certification of Quality and the Conformity to Safety Directives the Company is considered a reliable partner in the international market. The Certification of Quality Ravioli ISO 9001, gained in 1996 from IMQ, offers an important opportunity of continuous growth, renovation and modernisation.
The commitment to excellence and to a constant innovation, both approached by a solid bond with the Company roots and experience for almost a century, are well represented by cutting-edge managing organisation and innovative manufacture processes, growing at same pace as the corporate development. Periodical internal training classes and update of our team and partners, both inside and outside our Company, assure the professional growth of all the people involved and up-to-date solutions for our customers.

In our in-house laboratories, materials, new applications and international Norms are constantly examined and thoroughly analysed by our engineers and technicians, who also carry out particular tests specifically requested by our customers. For several years now, we have also been actively cooperating with some important test institutes and well-known laboratories, which assist us in keeping up-to-date our production according to the most updated Directives. Such partnerships allowed Ravioli to achieve some important internationally acknowledged Certifications, like UL, DENAN, ATEX for specific range of products. The result of this constant and careful work of research and development is tangibly represented by the safety and reliability of our products, which satisfy the needs and requirements of each customer.