The perfect balance between an almost centennial experience – enriched by a specific know-how and traditions well-established in the generational succession of the family members – and the entrepreneurial aptitude to accept daily challenges in a constantly growing perspective, allow Ravioli to project itself and the people involved into the future, keeping its own roots steady.

Since the beginning Ravioli is recognised for its high innovation and the commitment to provide personalised solutions to satisfy different requirements in the market. The interaction and connection between the Company and its customers allow Ravioli to study and project products and solutions specifically created for each user. Entrepreneurial vision and a solid, yet fast and flexible, corporate structure are the key for Ravioli to guarantee a fast, precise, effective, high quality service.
According to a study published on the magazine “Economy” – carried out by the rating Agency Standard’s & Poor’s – regarding the financial reliability of Italian Companies, Ravioli S.p.A. is placed second for financial reliability and solidity in its class of revenue.

The history and tradition of Ravioli S.p.A. have been developing in Milan for 90 years. By virtue of the whole Italian background in which the Company has grown and is still integrated, Ravioli S.p.A. operates in compliance with the high quality standards of Made in Italy and is one of the top ambassadors of Italian excellence, in terms of quality, reliability and safety of its own products. The continuous presence of the family members allows also quick decisions on its Board of Directors and an ongoing monitoring through the function of Business Intelligence.